Monthly Archives: January 2015

Jamaica Mission Trip 2015

Jamaica 2015IMG_5800Greetings and praise the Lord of heaven and earth. He does all things well. God provided More than I could have considered in 2014, including the provision of a 6 week period before this trip to enjoy time with my family by blood and with family at Poquoson Baptist Church, and time to pray, read, and seek the Lord . I love the people of Jamaica and long to see them saved, and pray that God will do that which only He can do; save souls, forgive sin, draw men to His Son Jesus Christ. I started this mission by driving to Athens Ga to stay with my friend, Bobby Mcreery and his family. While in Athens we were able to share the Gospel with hundreds of UGa students as they walked the streets outside the bars in Athens on New Years Eve. We encountered many that expressed their hatred towards the Gospel, thinking it foolish that they would be judged by God, and were in need of salvation. Just as many would make some claim of having a relationship with God, yet were surely not seeking holiness, nor hungering and thirsting after righteousness. Instead they were openly displaying their friendship with the world and all the pleasures it offers, living as if they could party endlessly.Jamaica 2015 We pray that many will consider what they heard and what they said and what they did in  response to God’s command to repent and be converted ; Or how they were invited and pleaded with to be reconciled to God.

We arrived in Montego Bay Jamaica Tuesday January 6, checking into a hotel about 2 miles from Sam Sharp Square, the town center in Jamaica. We started with 7, and in the next three weeks more than 20 men and women joined us for whatever amount of time they had. While in Jamaica, and by the generosity of some of the families on the outreach, we had a rental van for 6 days, allowing us to travel and share the Gospel in Montego Bay, Falmouth, Ocho Rios, Kingston, Negril, Lucea. During this time we distributed approximately 200 Bibles and 70,000 Gospel tracts, we preached, and sang hymns. Often we were asked to pray for some. We disputed much with many Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah witnessws, Oneness Pentecostals, and Rastafarians. Like Paul spoke of Athens, this is a very religous group of people, and having a form of godliness but lacking the power thereof. All of these religions are built on self righteousness, and result in multitudes baptized yet living like devils. When asked if they are at peace with God, the most common answer is, ” not yet “, meaning not yet baptized. Each of these aforementioned religious are designed to keep men and women from the cross, distracting them with busy-work, and rule keeping, knocking on doors, and explaining prophecies. Jesus reurned to heaven , in a sense, by way of the cross, through His sinless life, atoning death on the cross, and His resurrection. He is the way, the truth and the life.IMG_5798Jamaica 2015

The Gospel is the – power of God- unto salvation for those who believe. The righteous are justified by faith. Our team would increase and decrease, with 16 about the max, and never less than 7. All too soon Jan 27 had arrived and we all departed for our own destination. I returned to Orlando Fla. and spent several days working with my friend John Baros, at the OWC abortion clinic. We rejoiced that several women chose life, and 2 went  to a local pregnancy counseling center. John received a message that both of these womwn were  indeed pregnant and had declared they would keep their baby, and they were enrolled in a system which would provide help. Leaving Orlando, I traveled to Claremont N.C. where I stayed with my dear friends Ronnie and Debbie Graham. Saurday I reached home, and by God’s mercy, grace and good providence, worshipped on the Lord’s Day with my brothers and sisters at Poquoson Baptist Church.