Monthly Archives: March 2024

Jamaica 2024

Amazing, how fast a year can go by. We spent 3 weeks in Jamaica this year, from January 4 through 25.
This was a wonderful time of evangelizing, by preaching on the streets, Distributing Christian literature, and innumerable conversations with the Jamaica people about the Gospel and spiritual things. During our 3 weeks we gave out thousands of Gospel tracts, and many Bibles. This year we had different people join us for different lengths of time, from New York, Colorado, Saint Louis, Virginia, Texas, and England. We were able to rent a car this year, since we had some brethren from England who were used to driving on the wrong side of the road. We traveled to share the Gospel in Montego Bay, Falmouth, Negril, Lucea. Savanah La Mar, and Ocho Rios .We would preach and witness in the town centers, taxi parks, and open air markets. Jamaica is a great place to talk about the things of God. In general they do not cling to the evolutionary worldview, they don’t have legal abortions, and they don’t protest so much about LGBT issues. The problems of morality in Jamaica are more personal with issues like fornication and having children out of wedlock. Murder is another problem in Jamaica, most always Jamaican against Jamaican, and often gang related. A greater problem is the false teaching of so many churches. They may have a form of godliness, but lack any power. The SDA church seems to be the most prevalent and the Pentecostal church, with many who deny the truth regarding the nature of God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The teaching of most of the churches in Jamaica is focused on water baptism, thus, most people think that no matter how they live or what sins they mat commit, they can simply go and get baptized in water, and then have an assurance of going to Heaven. There is not much taught about the need for spiritual regeneration. Many of the churches deny any form of hell, which results in No fear of God before them.
Many of the people this year seems truly happy that we visited them again. More than any previous trip there was a group in Montego Bay who would stand around and listen for hours. One man told me that they stayed to listen so they could learn the truth about God and the bible> I was able to meet several of the regulars who come around every year, although sadly some never showed up. I pray for all of them all year and am saddened when I don’t see them.
All to soon our 3 weeks came to an end, and we had to pack up and leave, hoping the “incorruptible seed” was implanted in the hearts of many. I always lift the people of Jamaica up in my prayers, hoping that God will do a Mighty work.

