Monthly Archives: October 2015
Fall 2015 campus preaching
After a time spent at home visiting with my family, my dear chidren and grandchildren, and spending some precious time
with my church, Poquoson Baptist Church, we began sharing the Gospel this Fall with great favour from God, in that we were able to go onto a local campus in Newport News Va., Christopher Newport University for the 1st time in about 6 years. For an unknown reason the Campus officials notified by E mail all students and staff that a preacher would be on campus the following day. As we arrived there were several hundred students waiting to hear/see a preacher. It was an incredible thing to open my Bible and commence sharing the word of God to a ready crowd. for several moments there was a silence that allowed for a nice introduction to the way of salvation. Within moments though many students expressed their opinions, many opposed to the very idea that God created them and their accountability to Him, and their dire need of the reconciliation He can provide through Jesus Christ. We hope this was a start of many more visits here, God willing. Next we met in Providence R.I. and stayed with a dear brother and his wife. We preached each day at Brown University, where the school motto is still on the wall where we preach, ” en Deo esperamos” in God we hope. Brown is also the college where Adoniram Judson attended before he became a missionary to Burma at the age of 25, and ministered for almost 40 years. Interestingly, Brown also is a college where the students have changed the school policy so that there are no more grades by which the students could be compared to a standard. Now, they receive a pass or a not-complete, so all there can be well pleased with their standing. We also preached at UMass Boston campus, URI, and UConn. As the first week passed we spent a day preaching to the huge crowds in NYC who were waiting for the roman catholic pope. Only time will tell whether this pope is looked back on as one of the many “anti-popes” according to Rome, or one of the many “anti-christs”, the Apostle John warns of. A wolf in sheep’s clothing to be sure. We also preached to a much different crowd in Newark N.J. where poverty, drugs, and unemployment have caused many to listen to the teaching of the Black muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, and the nation of islam leaders. Sadly these cults have no hope, love, or salvation, but are founded on racism, legalism, and domination. On Saturday night we preached at the Princeton University frat/meal houses, where hundreds of students indulge in excessive alcohol and promiscuous behavior. Sadly many profess to love Jesus, and justify how they behave as normal for college. we then traveled a bit, preaching each day at, SUNY college of Albany, Purchase, UMass Amherst, Temple U and UPenn in Philadelphia. We were able also to preach on the sidewalk outside the abortion mill in Englewood N.J., where they maintain an 8 foot buffer zone despite the Supreme Court ruling against buffer zones earlier this year. I give thanks to God daily for the brethren who preach, those who provide shelter, and those who keep us in prayer. God provides the means and the power by which His people are saved. The preachers were Scot Smith, Robert Gray, Mike Stockwell, Sye Ten Bruggencate, Robert Parker, Don Harmon, Dale Mcalpine, Jim Hamilton. We were also given great hospitality by The Costa family, The May family, The Marcavage family, The Egloffs, and the Admas’,